ATC Mentorship Hub is dedicated to helping aspiring IFATC obtain the necessary skills and knowledge to control the Expert Server skies in Infinite Flight. We provide Written Exam Help, Mentor Sessions, and Mock Practical exams to prepare individuals for the IFATC local written and practical exams. Our team is committed to guiding and supporting individuals in their journey towards becoming a successful IFATC controller.

Explore Our Services
If you wish to become better at controlling, specifically in preparation for the practical exam, you can request a Mentor who will show you everything from applying knowledge to controlling techniques.
If you are struggling with understanding questions on the written exam, you can request help and a Mentor will guide you through them while giving you a clear explanation to ensure you understand the knowledge.
If you believe that you’re ready for the practical exam but want one last check of your skills, you can request a mock. Mock Practicals will mirror the practical exam to ensure you have a solid understanding of all applicable knowledge and skills.